I have been playing with the newish REST-like interface in Hudson 2.1.2 and I wanted to generate a client; but as it only uses Jersey 1.5 so it doesn't contain my fix to publish and connect them up directly. Luckily you can just down load these files from the github repository. You ideally want to add these to the wadl description of the service so download the root WADL using a tool such as wget from http://hudson.my.com/rest/application.wadl and then you can add the required imports.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <application xmlns="http://research.sun.com/wadl/2006/10"> <doc xmlns:jersey="http://jersey.dev.java.net/" jersey:generatedBy="Jersey: 1.5 01/14/2011 12:36 PM"/> <grammars> <include href="build.xsd" /> <include href="common.xsd" /> <include href="fault.xsd" /> <include href="project.xsd" /> </grammars> <resources base="http://hudson/rest/"> ....
Now you can either use the schemas as is and make sure you have annox on your class path when you generate the model classes, or you can find and replace jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc annox" with jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc".
This will give you a wadl that will generate the interface and the model classes in the same step; we will have to wait for later version of Hudson to connect the types up to the methods. For the moment though if you have a quick look at the WADL it is relatively obvious which types are for which.
/** * */ @Generated(value = { "wadl|file:/tmp/workspaceWorkDir5662539174912846886.abbot/Hudson/Hudson-WADL/src/wadl/application.wadl", "run|ca8e07f8-00d8-40ab-bde3-b15cee244091" }, comments = "wadl2java, http://wadl.java.net", date = "2011-10-17T14:31:17.818+01:00") public class Hudson_Rest { public static void main(String[] args) { // Write out all projects status Hudson_Rest.Projects hudsonProjects = projects(); ProjectsDTO projects = hudsonProjects.getAsApplicationXml(ProjectsDTO.class); for (ProjectDTO project : projects.getProject()) { System.out.printf("++++ %s +++++\n", project.getName()); System.out.println(project.getHealth().getDescription()); } // Query the enablement of one particular project Hudson_Rest.Projects.ProjectName hudsonAbbotSf = hudsonProjects.projectName("abbot_SF"); ProjectDTO abbot_SF = hudsonAbbotSf.getAsApplicationJson(ProjectDTO.class); System.out.println("Abbot_SF is enabled " + abbot_SF.isEnabled()); } ... }
So this is a simple read operation, I will look at writing back through this API which will involve configuring the client for authentication in a later installment.
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