Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lambda of Lambda, if/else from an Optional

So I got frustrated with two limitations of the Optional interface in JDK 8. The first problem is that there is no obvious way to perform an else operation in a block as there is only a isPresent method unless you are using an old school if statement. The second problem is of course the old chestnut that even if you could do that the methods would not be able to throw a checked exception. (Yes you can wrap with a RuntimeException but it is not the prettiest.)

The workaround I found was to use the map function as the success case and the orElseGet to return the failure case. In both branches the code returns an instance of ThrowingRunnable by having a lambda return a lambda. The run() is then called at the end and it can throw any exception it wants to.

public interface ThrowingRunnable<E extends Throwable>  {
    public void run() throws E;

Optional<Credential> credential = ....

credential.<ThrowingRunnable<IOException>>map(auth -> () -> {
                PasswordWrapper pw = auth.getToken();
                ... // something that might throw an IOException
            }).orElseGet(() -> () -> {
                        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "credential is not found");

This is possibly excessive for this particular use case; but I can see this technique being useful elsewhere and it is worth knowing what it looks like so it is not a surprise in others code.

Update 14th March 2016: Thanks to Michael Rasmussen on the DZone version of this article he noted I could use orElse rather than orElseGet to remove the second double lambda.

credential.<ThrowingRunnable<IOException>>map(auth -> () -> {
                PasswordWrapper pw = auth.getToken();
                ... // something that might throw an IOException
            }).orElse(() -> {
                        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "credential is not found");

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Getting hold of an un-used port when writing a test

A really quick post today, I was writing a unit test that needed to put up a temporary JAX-RS resource in order to test something very specific with out the need of a large testing framework. Unfortunately the code I was using didn't know about replacing zero with a random allocated port so I had to do something different. The nice tidy code that does this looks like the following:

try(ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0)) {
   freePort = ss.getLocalPort();

server = createServerWithPort(freePort);

But of course there is a race condition here as there could be another process on the machine running the exact same code that gets lucky with its time on the CPU - note the API I was using couldn't use the ServerSocket directly so there is a gap where the port is not tied up. So to rule out the one in a million failure chance, which always comes on a Friday at 5pm, we need to wrap this code in a loop.

while(server==null) {
    try(ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0)) {
       freePort = ss.getLocalPort();

    server = createServerWithPort(freePort);

This may seem extreme; but if you are running some kind of CI system like Hudson or Jenkins it is not unusual to be running multiple executors on the same machine. You might have two developers running preflights at the same time causing an annoying intermittent failure as described above.

Finally a version using a JDK 8 stream with a helper method to convert the IOException from ServerSocket into a RuntimeException. Some would argue this is less readable; but I find it more explicit.

server = Stream.generate(convertException(() -> {
    try(ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0)) {
        return ss.getLocalPort();